
Content for  TR 28.801  Word version:  15.1.0

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7.9  Network Slice (Subnet) Instance(s) lifecycle managementp. 58

7.10  Configuring a Network Slice Instancep. 61

7.11  Association of TN parameters to Network Slice Instancep. 61

7.12  Management data exposure and isolation when NSI is shared by multiple customersp. 61

7.13  Limited level of management exposure for NSIp. 62

7.14  NSI related management data exposure to customerp. 62

7.15  Controlling of automated healing of Network Slice Instancep. 63

7.16  Controlling of automated optimization of Network Slice Instancep. 64

7.17  State managementp. 65

8  Conclusionsp. 66

9  Recommendationsp. 67

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