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TR 28.908
Study on Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ ML) management

V18.1.0 (PDF)  2024/09  98 p.
Dr. Al-kanani, Hassan
NEC Europe Ltd

full Table of Contents for  TR 28.908  Word version:  18.0.0

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1  Scopep. 10

The present document studies the Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML) management capabilities and services for 5GS where AI/ML is used, including management and orchestration (e.g. MDA, see TS 28.104), 5GC (e.g. NWDAF, see TS 23.288, and NG-RAN (e.g. RAN intelligence defined in TS 38.300 and TS 38.401).

2  Referencesp. 10

3  Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviationsp. 11

3.1  Termsp. 11

3.2  Symbolsp. 11

3.3  Abbreviationsp. 11

4  Concepts and overviewp. 11

5  Use cases, potential requirements and possible solutionsp. 14

5.1  Management Capabilities for ML training phasep. 14

5.1.1  Event data for ML trainingp. 14

5.1.2  ML entity validationp. 17

5.1.3  ML entity testingp. 18

5.1.4  ML entity re-trainingp. 22

5.1.5  ML entity joint trainingp. 24

5.1.6  Training data effectiveness reporting and analyticsp. 26

5.1.7  ML contextp. 30

5.1.8  ML entity capability discovery and mappingp. 33

5.1.9  AI/ML update managementp. 36

5.1.10  Performance evaluation for ML trainingp. 37

5.1.11  Configuration management for ML training phasep. 42

5.1.12  ML Knowledge Transfer Learningp. 44

5.2  Management Capabilities for AI/ML inference phasep. 48

5.2.1  AI/ML Inference Historyp. 48

5.2.2  Orchestrating AI/ML Inferencep. 50

5.2.3  Coordination between the ML capabilitiesp. 59

5.2.4  ML entity loadingp. 60

5.2.5  ML inference emulationp. 63

5.2.6  Performance evaluation for AI/ML inferencep. 67

5.2.7  Configuration management for AI/ML inference phasep. 72

5.2.8  AI/ML update controlp. 78

5.3  Common management capabilities for ML training and AI/ML inference phasep. 80

6  Deployment scenariosp. 88

7  Conclusions and recommendationsp. 91

A  UML source codesp. 92

$  Change historyp. 94

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