
Content for  TR 26.975  Word version:  18.0.0

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2  Referencesp. 6

3  Definitions and abbreviationsp. 7

4  Generalp. 9

5  Quality in Clean Speech and Error Conditionsp. 13

6  Quality under background noise and Errors Conditionsp. 16

7  Performances in Tandeming and with variation of the input speech levelp. 19

8  Performances with the Codec Adaptation turned onp. 21

9  VAD/DTX Performancesp. 23

10  Performances with DTMF tonesp. 24

11  Transparency to Signaling tonesp. 26

12  Performances with special input signalsp. 27

13  Language Dependencyp. 28

14  Transmission Delayp. 28

15  Frequency Responsep. 33

16  Complexityp. 34

A  AMR GSM Characterization Phase Overviewp. 37

B  AMR Verification Phase Overviewp. 40

C  Additional Characterization Test Resultsp. 41

D  AMR Performances as a function of FER and RBERp. 47

E  AMR Characterization in 3G Channelsp. 54

$  Change historyp. 63

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