Pre-requisites and assumptions | Clause 6.1 of TS 26.347: Background | Some high-level aspects are discussed, but a detailed listing of pre-requisites and assumptions is not available. |
Overall specification of the function including a specific architecture | Clause 5 of
TS 26.347: Reference Client Architecture | A reference architecture is provided, but no high-level call flows. |
Specification of the MSE Client functions and the corresponding MSE-6 APIs |
Clause 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 of TS 26.347 for different APIs | Detailed specification of the APIs. However, improved documentation using well-defined types, structures, highlighting and so on could be applied. |
Control Plane API and network/MSE Application Function |
Clause 6 and 9 of TS 26.346, on user services and referenced in TS 26.347 | The control plane API is not defined explicitly, but as a general protocol. |
User Plane reference point and network/MSE Application Server |
Clause 7, 8, 8A, and 8B of TS 26.346, and referenced in TS 26.347 | The user plane reference point is defined explicitly, but as a general protocol. |
Guidelines for application developers |
Annex E of TS 26.347 | Some high-level implementation guidelines are provided. More detailed call flows would be needed. |
Guidelines for MSE developers |
Clause 6.2.2, 6.2.3 and 6.2.4 of TS 26.347, MBMS Client State Model | A detailed set of basic implementation ideas for the internal handling of an MBMS Client is provided as part of the description. |
Considerations on device API implementations |
TS 26.347, Annex B, Interface Definition Language for MBMS-APIs | A full IDL-based interface definition is provided, but it is informative. It is also not provided as "code", but as text in the document. |
Considerations for a Conformance Test Suite | (Not existing) | Nothing is documented on this matter. However, as seen in clause 4.2.1, Android APIs exist |
Style and documentation |
TS 26.347, Annex A | Style and documentation is weak. Annex A introduces the usage of IDL, but is lacking compared to clause 5.3.6:
No git based approach
No usage of ASCIIDOC
No consistent API naming conventions are applied
No markup or reference pages are generated
No OpenAPI-based network protocols are defined. as seen in clause 4.2.1, Android APIs exist