
Content for  TS 26.447  Word version:  18.0.0

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5  Detailed descriptionp. 8

5.1  Concealment operation related to signal classificationp. 8

5.2  Concealment operation related to spectral envelope (LPC) representationp. 11

5.3  Concealment operation related to ACELP modesp. 15

5.3.1  Generalp. 15

5.3.2  Concealment for bandwidth extension for ACELP modesp. 24

5.3.3  Guided concealment and recoveryp. 28

5.3.4  Handling of multiple frame losses and mutingp. 34

5.4  Concealment operation related to MDCT modesp. 37

5.4.1  PLC method selectionp. 37

5.4.2  TCX MDCTp. 37

5.4.3  HQ MDCTp. 50


5.4.5  Guided concealment and recoveryp. 78

5.4.6  Handling of multiple frame losses and mutingp. 79

5.5  SID frame concealment operationp. 83

$  Change historyp. 84

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