
Content for  TR 24.890  Word version:  16.0.0

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8  5GS mobility managementp. 46

8.1  Overviewp. 46

8.1.1  Generalp. 46

8.1.2  Domain selectionp. 46

8.1.3  Types of 5GMM proceduresp. 48

8.1.4  5GMM sublayer statesp. 49  Generalp. 49  5GMM sublayer statesp. 49  Generalp. 49  5GMM sublayer states in the UEp. 49  5GS update statusp. 53  5GMM sublayer states in the networkp. 53  Behaviour of the UE in state 5GMM-DEREGISTERED and state 5GMM-REGISTEREDp. 54

8.1.5  Permanent identifiersp. 57

8.1.6  Temporary identitiesp. 57

8.1.7  Mobile initiated connection only modep. 58

8.1.8  Handling of the periodic registration update timer and implicit de-registration timerp. 58

8.2  5GS mobility functions in IDLE and CONNECTED modep. 59

8.3  Establishment of the N1 NAS signalling connectionp. 64

8.4  Release of the N1 NAS signalling connectionp. 65

8.5  5GS mobility management proceduresp. 66

8.5.1  5GMM common proceduresp. 66  Primary authentication and key agreement procedurep. 66  Generalp. 66  EAP based primary authentication and key agreement procedurep. 66  5G AKA based primary authentication and key agreement procedurep. 70  Security mode control procedurep. 73  NAS transport proceduresp. 78  Generalp. 78  Alternative 1 for NAS transportp. 78  Alternative 2 for NAS transportp. 84  Criteria for evaluation of alternatives for NAS transportp. 90  Evaluation of the alternatives for NAS transportp. 90  Selection of the NAS transport mechanismp. 91  Generic UE configuration update procedurep. 91  Identification procedurep. 95  5GMM status procedurep. 96

8.5.2  5GMM specific proceduresp. 96  Registration procedurep. 96  De-registration procedurep. 107

8.5.3  5GMM connection management proceduresp. 111

8.6  5GS mobility management message codingp. 119

8.6.1  Authentication failurep. 119

8.6.2  Authentication rejectp. 119

8.6.3  Authentication requestp. 120

8.6.4  Authentication responsep. 120

8.6.5  Registration requestp. 121

8.6.6  Registration acceptp. 123

8.6.7  Registration completep. 124

8.6.8  Registration rejectp. 125

8.6.9  UL SM message transport for Alternative 1p. 125

8.6.10  DL SM message transport for Alternative 1p. 126

8.6.11  UL generic transport for Alternative 1p. 126

8.6.12  UL NAS transport for Alternative 2p. 127

8.6.13  DL generic transport for Alternative 1p. 129

8.6.14  DL NAS transport for Alternative 2p. 129

8.6.15  De-registration request (UE originating de-registration)p. 130

8.6.16  De-registration accept (UE originating de-registration)p. 131

8.6.17  De-registration request (UE terminated de-registration)p. 131

8.6.18  De-registration accept (UE terminated de-registration)p. 132

8.6.19  Service requestp. 132

8.6.20  Service acceptp. 133

8.6.22  Service rejectp. 134

8.6.23  Configuration update commandp. 135

8.6.24  Configuration update completep. 135

8.6.25  Identity requestp. 136

8.6.26  Identity responsep. 136

8.6.27  Notificationp. 137

8.6.28  5GMM statusp. 137

8.6.29  Security mode commandp. 138

8.6.30  Security mode completep. 139

8.7  5GMM information elementsp. 140

8.7.1  5GMM causep. 140

8.7.2  NAS key set identifierp. 141

8.7.3  Authentication parameter RANDp. 142

8.7.4  Authentication parameter AUTNp. 142

8.7.5  SM message container (for alternative 1)p. 142

8.7.6  Request typep. 143

8.7.7  S-NSSAIp. 143

8.7.8  DNNp. 143

8.7.9  Message container type (for alternative 1)p. 144

8.7.10  Message container (for alternative 1)p. 144

8.7.14  Additional information (for alternative 2)p. 145

8.7.15  Configuration update indicationp. 146

8.7.16  5GS mobile identityp. 146

8.7.17  Tracking area identity listp. 147

8.7.18  Service area listp. 147

8.7.19  Network namep. 151

8.7.20  Time zonep. 151

8.7.21  Time zone and timep. 151

8.7.22  Daylight saving timep. 151

8.7.23  Identity type 2p. 151

8.7.24  Sequence numberp. 151

8.7.25  Message authentication codep. 151

8.7.26  Uplink data statusp. 152

8.7.27  PDU session statusp. 152

8.7.28  De-registration typep. 153

8.7.29  NSSAIp. 154

8.7.30  EAP messagep. 154

8.7.31  5GMM capabilityp. 155

8.7.32  LADN informationp. 155

8.7.33  PDU session reactivation resultp. 156

8.7.34  Old PDU session identityp. 157

8.7.35  GPRS timer 2p. 157

8.7.36  Allowed PDU session statusp. 157

8.7.37  5GS registration typep. 158

8.7.38  Tracking area identityp. 158

8.7.39  S1 UE network capabilityp. 158

8.7.40  Registration resultp. 158

8.7.41  PLMN listp. 158

8.7.42  5GS network feature supportp. 158

8.7.43  UE statusp. 159

8.7.44  IMEISV requestp. 159

8.7.45  NAS security algorithmsp. 159

8.7.46  Noncep. 160

8.7.47  UE security capabilityp. 160

8.7.48  HashAMFp. 164

8.7.49  NAS message containerp. 164

8.8  3GPP specific coding information defined within present documentp. 165

8.9  Timers of 5GS mobility managementp. 165

8.10  Cause values for 5GS mobility managementp. 168

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