
Content for  TS 24.167  Word version:  18.1.0

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5.110  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ LBO_P-CSCF_Address/ <X>/ AddressType |R17|p. 47

The AddressType leaf defines the type of address stored in the Address leaf node.
  • Occurrence: One
  • Format: chr
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: 'FQDN', 'IPv4', 'IPv6'

5.111  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ SMS_Over_IP_Networks_Indication |R17|p. 47

The SMS_Over_IP_Networks_Indication leaf indicates network operator's preference for selection of the domain to be used for short message service (SMS) originated by the UE.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: bool
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: 0, 1
    Indicates that the SMS service is not to be invoked over the IP networks.
    Indicates that the SMS service is preferred to be invoked over the IP networks.

5.112  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ Keep_Alive_Enabled |R17|p. 48

The Keep_Alive_Enabled leaf indicates whether the UE sends keep alives.
  • Occurrence: One
  • Format: bool
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: 0, 1
    Indicates that the UE does not send keep alives.
    Indicates that the UE is to send keep alives.
3GPP TS 24.229 describes the normative behaviour for the UE sending keep alives when the Keep_Alive_Enabled leaf indicates that sending keep alives is enabled.

5.113  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ RegRetryBaseTime |R17|p. 48

The RegRetryBaseTime leaf represents the value of the base-time (if all failed) parameter of the algorithm defined in Section 4.5 of RFC 5626.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: int
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: <base-time>
The base-time value shall be given in seconds.

5.114  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ RegRetryMaxTime |R17|p. 48

The RegRetryMaxTime leaf represents the value of the max-time parameter of the algorithm defined in Section 4.5 of RFC 5626.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: int
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: <maximum time>
The maximum time value shall be given in seconds.

5.115  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ PhoneContext_List/ |R17|p. 49

The PhoneContext_List interior node is used to allow a reference to a list of phone-context parameter values for other local numbers, than geo-local or home-local numbers, as defined in subclause 5.1.2A.1.5 of TS 24.229.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: node
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: N/A

5.116  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ PhoneContext_List/ <X> |R17|p. 49

This run-time node acts as a placeholder for one or more phone-context parameter values.
  • Occurrence: OneOrMore
  • Format: node
  • Access Types: Get
  • Values: N/A

5.117  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ PhoneContext_List/ <X>/ PhoneContext |R17|p. 49

The PhoneContext leaf defines the value of the phone-context parameter.
  • Occurrence: One
  • Format: chr
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: <phone-context>

5.118  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ PhoneContext_List/ <X>/ Public_user_identity |R17|p. 49

The Public_user_identity leaf defines zero or more public user identities to which the phone-context parameter value is associated.
  • Occurrence: OneOrMore
  • Format: chr
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: <A public user identity>

5.119  /<X>/ SNPN_Configuration/ <X>/ PS_domain_IMS_SS_control_preference |R17|p. 49

The PS_domain_IMS_SS_control_preference leaf provides a means to define the method for which Supplementary Services as defined by TS 22.173 are controlled by the UE when SS setting control is to be invoked over the PS domain.
  • Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
  • Format: bool
  • Access Types: Get, Replace
  • Values: 0, 1
    Indicates that the IMS SS setting control for services defined by TS 22.173 is to be invoked using XCAP/Ut as defined by TS 24.623
    Indicates that the IMS SS setting control for services defined by TS 22.173 is to be invoked using SIP-based user configuration as defined by TS 24.238
The UE uses the information stored in the PS_domain_IMS_SS_control_preference leaf either when the SS_domain_setting leaf is set to "0", or when SS_domain_setting is set to "2" and the domain currently used for voice services is the PS domain.

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