
Content for  TR 23.891  Word version:  9.0.0

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4  Overall Requirementsp. 7

5  Architectural Requirements and Considerationsp. 8

6  Architectural Alternativesp. 10

6.1  Architectural Alternative #1p. 10

6.2  Architectural Alternative #2p. 29

6.3  Architectural Alternative #3p. 43

6.4  Architectural Alternative #4p. 50

6.5  Architectural Alternative #5p. 52

6.5.1  Objectivesp. 52

6.5.2  Architectural Detailsp. 52

6.5.3  Information Flows and Protocolsp. 54

6.5.4  Evaluationp. 60

6.5.5  User Plane interworkingp. 60

7  Other Considerationsp. 62

8  Comparison of Architectural Alternativesp. 62

9  Conclusionsp. 63

$  Change historyp. 64

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