
Content for  TR 23.700-82  Word version:  19.0.0

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5  Key issuesp. 16

6  Application enablement architecture requirementsp. 22

7  Application architecture for enabling AI/ML servicesp. 22

8  Solutionsp. 27

8.0  Mapping of solutions to key issuesp. 27

8.1  Solution #1: ADAE Functional Architecture Enhancement to Support Application Layer AI/ML Servicesp. 28

8.2  Solution #2: ML client information retrievalp. 31

8.3  Solution #3: Provision of ML clients to support AI/ML at the application layerp. 33

8.4  Solution #4: Support for ML-enabled ADAE analyticsp. 34

8.5  Solution #5: AI/ML model managementp. 36

8.6  Solution #6: AIML enablement client selectionp. 41

8.7  Solution #7: AIML enablement client discoveryp. 45

8.8  Solution #8: AIML enablement client registrationp. 48

8.9  Solution #9: Support for FL member registrationp. 50

8.10  Solution #10: AI/ML member participation configurations provisioning and managementp. 52

8.11  Solution #11: AIML service lifecycle management procedurep. 55

8.12  Solution #12: AI/ML model lifecycle managementp. 57

8.13  Solution #13: Analytics and Assistance Information Collection for Supporting FL Member (Re)Selection with the ADAES capabilitiesp. 60

8.14  Solution #14: AI/ML policies provisioning and managementp. 61

8.15  Solution #15: ADAES support for AI-enabled DN Energy Analyticsp. 66

8.16  Solution #16: Support for FL event notificationsp. 68

8.17  Solution #17: AIML operational managementp. 71

8.18  Solution #18: Supporting VFL in Enablement Layerp. 77

8.19  Solution #19: Support for AIML operation splittingp. 79

8.20  Solution #20: AIML Enabler support for Transfer Learningp. 87

8.21  Solution #21: AIML data management procedurep. 89

8.22  Solution #22: Horizontal Federated Learning trainingp. 92

8.23  Solution #23: AIML services in edgep. 95

8.24  Solution #24: Dynamic ML model distributionp. 98

8.25  Solution #25: Support for AIML model distributionp. 102

8.26  Solution #26: Support for FL member groupingp. 105

8.27  Solution #27: New ADAE Analytics for Supporting FL Member (re-) selectionp. 107

8.28  Solution #28: Support AI/ML Splitting Operations in Enablement Layerp. 113

8.29  Solution #29: Enhance AIML Services for Assisting Edge Computingp. 117

8.30  Solution #30: Support Transfer of Intermediate AIML Operation Informationp. 118

8.31  Solution #31: Supporting AIML inference service in edgep. 122

9  Deployment scenariosp. 123

10  Business Relationshipsp. 126

11  Overall evaluationp. 126

12  Conclusionsp. 133

$  Change historyp. 137

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