
Content for  TR 23.700-29  Word version:  19.0.0

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5  Key Issuesp. 15

6  Solutionsp. 17

6.0  Mapping of Solutions to Key Issuesp. 17

6.1  Solution #1: N2/S1 disconnection for satellites leaving an area served by a CNp. 18

6.2  Solution #2 for KI#1: Mobility optimization for Regenerative-based satellite accessp. 20

6.3  Solution #3: Support for suspend and resume of NG interfacep. 25

6.4  Solution #4: Handling awareness of supported TAIs when RAN is onboardp. 26

6.5  Solution #5: Support of Feeder Link Switchover with TAU for Non-Pooled MMEsp. 30

6.6  Solution #6: Load re-balancing for feeder link switchoverp. 32

6.7  Solution #7 for Key Issue #1: Feeder link switchover with DL data continuityp. 35

6.8  Solution #8 for Key Issue #1: QoS/ Policy handling for Regenerative-based satellite accessp. 37

6.9  Solution #9: Support of Regenerative-based satellite access with deploying RAN-agent and Proxy RAN node or Link Layer Proxy NFp. 39

6.10  Solution #10: Regenerative-based satellite access with IWF on S1 or N2/N3 interfacep. 45

6.11  Solution #11: MME Split Architecture to support Control plane procedure for S&Fp. 47

6.12  Solution #12: S&F for multiple satellite deployment with anchor MME-groundp. 60

6.13  Solution #13: S&F for single satellite deployments with eNB and MME-onboardp. 64

6.14  Solution #14: Initial Registration with prior rejection in satellite network for S&F operationp. 67

6.15  Solution #15: S&F solution for multi-satellite IoT NTNp. 71

6.16  Solution #16: Enabling S&F operation with C-SGN onboardp. 81

6.17  Solution #17 for KI#2: Support of Store and Forward Satellite operation for small data transmissionp. 92

6.18  Solution #18: Attach Procedure with MME and HSS on board the satellitep. 99

6.19  Solution #19: Store and Forward Operation using a UE Proxy and Endpoint Proxyp. 107

6.20  Solution #20: Solution on enabling S&F operation and data delivery with only eNB onboard satellitep. 116

6.21  Solution #21: Support of store and forward satellite operation in EPSp. 124

6.22  Solution #22 for Key Issue #2: Support of Store and Forward Satellite operation for SMS and Data Transmissionp. 130

6.23  Solution #23: Support for SMS in satellite network for S&F operationp. 141

6.24  Solution #24: Enhancement of registration and PDU session establishment to support on-board S&Fp. 144

6.25  Solution #25: UE reachability estimationp. 149

6.26  Solution #26: Provision of Store and Forward Satellite Specific Parametersp. 151

6.27  Solution #27: Performance optimization for the transport of MT/MO S&F trafficp. 153

6.28  Solution #28: UE-Satellite-UE Communication via UPFs onboard the satellitesp. 159

6.29  Solution #29: SMF activated UE-satellite-UE communication for IMS servicep. 167

6.30  Solution #30: Solution to determine UE-SATs-UE eligibility and enable communication setupp. 169

6.31  Solution #31: UE-satellite-UE communication for IMS voice and video (UPF onboard)p. 172

6.32  Solution #32 for Key Issue #3: Support of UE-satellite-UE communication for IMS services with UPF/AGW inserted on satellitesp. 174

6.33  Solution #33: Solution for UE-satellite-UE communication with IMS media entity onboardp. 180

6.34  Solution #34: Enhancement on AMF discovery for Regenerative-based satellitep. 185

6.35  Solution #35: N2/S1 procedures to handle feeder link switchp. 187

6.36  Solution #36: User plane path failure management due to satellites leaving an area served by a CNp. 189

6.37  Solution #37: AMF Split Architecture to support Control plane procedure for S&Fp. 190

6.38  Solution #38: Exposure of Registration in S&F Modep. 198

6.39  Solution #39: Session creation and parameters provisioning for S&Fp. 199

6.40  Solution #40: User plane offload from P-CSCF/IMS-AGW located on the groundp. 201

6.41  Solution #41: Support of UE-satellite-UE communication for IMS services with UPF/AGW on boardp. 208

6.42  Solution #42: UE-satellite-UE communication in the context of LEO satellite constellations with ISLp. 214

6.43  Solution #43: UE-Sat-UE communication using resource allocation on-board satellitep. 222

6.44  Solution #44: eNB buffered signalling and CP data transfer with eNB monitoring listp. 241

6.45  Solution#45: Support SMS in S&F satellite operationp. 248

7  Overall Evaluationp. 252

8  Conclusionsp. 253

A  Example network scenarios for regenerative payload generic architecture (e/gNB on LEO satellite)p. 258

B  Store and Forward Satellite operationp. 262

C  Example of network scenarios for UE-Sat-UE generic architecture (regenerative payload capabilities on LEO satellite)p. 264

$  Change historyp. 266

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