
Content for  TS 23.122  Word version:  19.1.0

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4  Overall process structurep. 44

4.1  Process goalp. 44

The aim of the idle mode processes is to ensure that the registered PLMN is the selected PLMN and that the registered SNPN is the selected SNPN.

4.2  States descriptionp. 44

Each of the processes of PLMN selection and SNPN selection, cell selection and location registration can be described by a set of states. The overall state of the mobile is thus a composite of the states of the three processes. In some cases, an event which causes a change of state in one process may trigger a change of state in another process, e.g., camping on a cell in a new registration area triggers an LR request. Except for SNPN selection, the relationship between the processes is illustrated in Figure 1 in clause 5.
Except for SNPN selection, the states in which the MS may be, for each of the processes, are described below and illustrated in Figure 2a, Figure 2b and Figure 3 in clause 5. For many of the states, a fuller description can be found in other Technical Specifications, and a reference to the Technical Specification is given after the state description.
In the event of any conflict between the diagrams and the text in the present document, the text takes precedence.

4.3  List of statesp. 45

4.3.1  List of states for the PLMN selection processp. 45  List of states for automatic mode (figure 2a)p. 45

Trying RPLMN - The MS is trying to perform a Location Registration on the registered PLMN.
On PLMN - The MS has successfully registered on a PLMN.
Trying PLMN - The MS is trying to register on a PLMN in the ordered list of PLMNs.
Wait for PLMNs to appear - There are no allowable and available PLMNs at present and the MS is waiting for one to appear.
HPLMN search in progress - The MS is trying to find if the HPLMN is available.
No SIM - There is no SIM in the MS, or certain LR responses have been received.  List of states for manual mode (figure 2b)p. 45

Trying registered PLMN - The MS is trying to perform a Location Registration on the registered PLMN.
On PLMN - The MS has successfully registered on a PLMN.
Not on PLMN - The MS has failed to register on the selected PLMN.
Trying PLMN - The MS is trying to register on a user selected PLMN.
No SIM - There is no SIM in the MS, or certain LR responses have been received.


4.3.3  List of states for location registration (figure 3)p. 45

The states are entered depending on responses to location registration (LR) requests. Independent update states exist for GPRS and for non-GPRS operation in MSs capable of GPRS and non-GPRS services.
Null - The MS is considered in this state when switched off.
Updated - The MS enters this state if an LR request is accepted. The update status is set to "UPDATED". The GPRS and the non-GPRS update state of an MS may enter "Updated" as a result of combined signalling or as a result of individual signalling depending on the capabilities of the network.
Idle, No IMSI - The MS enters this state if an LR request is rejected with cause:
  1. IMSI unknown in HLR;
  2. illegal ME;
  3. illegal MS;
  4. GPRS services not allowed,
  5. GPRS services and non-GPRS services not allowed,
or if there is no SIM. All update states of an MS enter this state regardless whether received by individual or combined signalling for events b) and c). Event a) has no influence on the GPRS update state. Events b) and c) result in "ROAMING NOT ALLOWED" for the GPRS and/or non-GPRS update status depending on the specific location registration procedure. Event d) results in "ROAMING NOT ALLOWED" for the GPRS update status. Event e) results in "ROAMING NOT ALLOWED" for the GPRS update status and non-GPRS update status.
If a SIM is present, the non-GPRS update status of the SIM is set to "ROAMING NOT ALLOWED".
Roaming not allowed - The MS enters this state if it receives an LR reject message with the cause:
  1. PLMN not allowed;
  2. Location area not allowed;
  3. Tracking area not allowed;
  4. Roaming not allowed in this location area;
  5. Roaming not allowed in this tracking area;
  6. GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN;
  7. No suitable cells in location area;
  8. No suitable cells in tracking area;
  9. Not authorized for this CSG.
Except from event f) all update states of the MS are set to "Roaming not allowed" regardless whether received by individual or combined signalling. Event f) results in "Roaming not allowed" for the GPRS update state only. Event f) has no influence on the non-GPRS update state. The behaviour of the MS in the roaming not allowed state is dependent on the LR reject cause as shown in Table 2 in clause 5. Additionally:
  • in automatic mode, "PLMN not allowed", "Roaming not allowed in this location area" and "Roaming not allowed in this tracking area" cause the Automatic Network Selection procedure of clause to be started; it is also caused by "GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN" when received by a GPRS MS operating in MS operation mode C;
  • in manual mode, "PLMN not allowed" and "Roaming not allowed" cause the Manual Network Selection procedure of clause to be started; it is also caused by "GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN" when received by a GPRS MS operating in MS operation mode C.
Not updated - The MS enters this state if any LR failure not specified for states L2 or L3 occurs, in which cases the MS is not certain whether or not the network has received and accepted the LR attempt. The non-GPRS update status on the SIM and/or the GPRS update status are set to "NOT UPDATED" depending on the specific location registration procedure and their outcome.
LR request - The MS enters this state when determining that a LR request is to be made.
LR pending - The MS enters this state after having started the LR, waiting for the outcome (response message from the network).

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