
Content for  TS 22.011  Word version:  19.5.0

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10  3GPP PS Data Off |R14|p. 28

10.1  Descriptionp. 28

3GPP PS Data Off is a feature which, when configured by the HPLMN and activated by the user, prevents transport via PDN connections or PDU sessions in 3GPP access networks of all data packets except IP packets required by 3GPP PS Data Off Exempt Services.

10.2  Requirementsp. 28

The 3GPP system shall provide a mechanism by which an operator can configure which operator services are defined as 3GPP PS Data Off Exempt Services for their own subscribers.
When 3GPP PS Data Off is activated in the UE, in order to preserve charging consistency:
  • the UE shall inform the network that 3GPP PS Data Off is activated;
  • the UE shall cease the sending of uplink IP Packets of all services that are not 3GPP PS Data Off Exempt Services via PDN connections in 3GPP access networks;
  • the network shall cease the sending of downlink IP Packets to the UE for all services that are not 3GPP PS Data Off Exempt Services via PDN connections in 3GPP access networks;
  • the UE shall cease the sending of uplink traffic over non-IP PDN types via PDN connections in 3GPP access networks;
  • the network shall cease the sending of downlink traffic over non-IP PDN types via PDN connections in 3GPP access networks;
  • the UE shall cease the sending of uplink IP packets of all services that are not 3GPP PS data Off Exempt Services via PDU sessions in 3GPP access networks;
  • the network shall cease the sending of downlink IP packets to the UE for all services that are not 3GPP PS data Off Exempt Services via PDU sessions in 3GPP access networks;
  • the UE shall cease the sending of uplink unstructured and ethernet data via PDU sessions in 3GPP access networks;
  • the network shall cease the sending of downlink unstructured and ethernet data via PDU sessions in 3GPP access networks.
Each of the following operator services shall be configurable by the HPLMN operator to be part of the 3GPP PS Data Off Exempt Services:
  • MMTel Voice;
  • SMS over IMS;
  • USSD over IMS (USSI);
  • MMTel Video;
  • Services over IMS Data Channel;
  • Particular IMS services not defined by 3GPP, where each such IMS service is identified by an IMS communication service identifier;
  • Device Management over PS;
  • Management of USIM files over PS (e.g. via Bearer Independent Protocol); and
  • IMS Supplementary Service configuration via the Ut interface using XCAP.
  • User plane location services protocol (LCS-UPP).
3GPP PS Data Off may be activated based on roaming status, and the HPLMN may configure up to two sets of 3GPP PS Data Off Exempt Services for its subscribers: one is used when in HPLMN and another when roaming.
The user should be made aware of the operator services that are 3GPP PS Data Off Exempt Services.

$  Change historyp. 30

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