This attribute describes the capability associated with the transfer of different types of information through a PLMN and another network or through a PLMN.
unrestricted digital information;
transfer of information sequence of bits at its specified bit rate without alteration; this implies bit sequence independence, digit sequence integrity and bit integrity.
digital representation of speech information and audible signalling tones of the PSTN coded according to the encoding rule defined in the 3GPP TS 26 series of specifications.
3,1 kHz Ex PLMN;
unrestricted digital information transfer within the PLMN and 3.1 kHz audio restricted within the ISDN.
This attribute describes the bit rate (circuit mode). It refers to the transfer of digital information between two access points or reference points.
This attribute refers to the capability of the PLMN and if involved other networks to deliver information to the destination access point or reference point in a structure.
This attribute associated with a telecommunication service describes the mode of establishment used to establish and a given communication.
In every telecommunication service communication may be between users within the PLMN or between a user in the PLMN and a user in another network.
This attribute describes the spatial arrangement for transferring information between two or more access points. It completes the structure associated to a telecommunication services as it associates the relationship between the access points involved and the flow of information between these access points.
point-to-point communication;
this value applies when there are only two access points.
multipoint communication;
this value applies when more than two access points (1) are provided by the service. The exact characteristics of the information flows must be specified separately based on functions provided by the PLMN.
broadcast communication;
this value applies when more than two access points (2) are provided by the service. The information flows are from a unique point (source) to the others (destination) in only one direction.
This attribute describes the relationship of information flow between two (or more) access points or reference points involved in a communication.
It characterizes the structure associated to a communication service.
this value applies when the information flow is provided only in one direction.
bidirectional symmetric;
this value applies when the information flow characteristics provided by the service are the same between two (or more) access points or reference points in the forward and backward directions.
bidirectional asymmetric;
this value applies when the information flow characteristics provided by the service are different in the two directions.
This attribute describes either the bit rate (circuit mode including transparent access to a PSPDN) or variable bit rate (packet mode) used to transfer the user information at a given access point or reference.
Communication can be established between a UE in a PLMN (originating network) and a terminal in a network (terminating network) including the same PLMN or another PLMN. The attribute designates the terminating network.
The low layer attributes describe the bearer capabilities which support the teleservice. These low layer attributes and their values are the same as presented in Annex A: List of definitions of attributes and values used for bearer services.
This Annex describes the conditions under which a given mobile subscriber (station) is considered as "busy". In general, this occurs whenever the resources associated with that UE (and needed to successfully complete the call) exist but are not available for that call. The description is based on the busy definition in the ISDN (CCITT Recommendation I.221).
In addition, the operation of some Supplementary Services occurs when certain of these resources are busy. Therefore, these "resources busy" are also described herein.
This Annex does not cover the cases, when network resources not associated with a given destination are unavailable, or when such resources are out-of-service or otherwise non-functional.
This condition occurs, when a call is about to be offered, if the information (i.e. traffic) channel is busy and the maximum number of total calls has been reached (see note).
This condition also occurs, when a call is about to be offered and an already on-going call attempt (incoming or outgoing) is in the establishing phase, i.e. not yet active.
When NDUB condition occurs, the PLMN will clear the call and indicate "busy" back towards the calling subscriber (see also clause 4).
3GPP TS 22.135 defines NDUB for Multicall environment.
This condition occurs when a call is offered to a user equipment and the UE responds "user busy" because the subscribers resources (terminal or person using them) are busy. Then the PLMN will clear the call with the indication "busy" back towards the calling subscriber (see also clause 4).
A mobile subscriber is considered to be busy if either a "Network Determined User Busy" or a "User Determined User Busy" condition occurs.
Some supplementary services (e.g. Call Forwarding on Busy) may cause the call not to be cleared when a busy condition occurs.
This Annex specifies the service requirements for call set-up, both Mobile originated and mobile terminated, in a network, including the establishment of radio contact.
When an UE wishes to start a call and there is no existing radio connection, it requests a signalling channel. When such a signalling channel has been allocated to the UE, the UE can transfer the call set-up information.
A traffic channel may be allocated at any time before the network informs the UE that the remote user has answered.
For a call to be set up, certain information needs to be sent by the UE to the network, defining the call. This information may be provided as default by the MS, it may be derived from the SIM/USIM or be entered by the user either directly into the UE or from a DTE by using the DTE/DCE Interface.
The following information is sent. Where necessary, default values will generally be inserted by the UE if not directly specified by the user. The Teleservice Emergency Calls are set up using a special procedure not using the fields described in this clause (except for the Bearer Capability).
This is the sub-address of the calling/called party, as defined in TS 23.003, in order to provide interworking with ISDN. This is described in more detail in ETS 300 059. Support and use of these fields are optional.
This indicates the number plan of the called party address. Either of the following number plans may be the "default", depending on the contents of the Called Party Address (see TS 22.030):
ISDN/Telephony E.164;
Alternatively, one of these number plans may be specified if appropriate:
This is used to define the type of call to be set up (telephony, data, rate etc.) For most applications, the UE will use a set of default conditions, generally on the assumption of a telephony call, unless otherwise set. These may be overridden by the user (or DTE via the DTE/DCE Interface) if desired except for the determination of the channel mode (full or half rate, speech codec conversion).
The UE shall indicate to the network its channel mode capability in terms of the data channels and the speech codec versions supported.
The network decides which mode to use on the basis of the requested bearer or teleservice, the available network resources and the channel mode capability of the UE:
for the "alternate" and "followed-by" services, the same principle applies (with the exception of TS61, where a Full Rate or an Enhanced Full Rate channel shall be provided);
for the full set of parameters and values, refer to TS 24.008;
for data services see the 3GPP TS 27 series.
Lower Layer Compatibility and Higher Layer Compatibility Information Elements may also be included.
If the user wishes to override the calling line identification restriction, he may indicate this on a per-call basis as described in TS 22.030 and TS 22.081.
On receipt of the call set-up message, the network shall attempt to connect the call. However, if insufficient information has been provided by the UE to indicate the exact Bearer Capability requirements (e.g. due to missing or optional values or for rate adaptation for data), the network may insert the missing information, if this is possible, and the call set-up shall proceed using the new information. If the call set-up is unsuccessful, the network shall notify the UE of the cause.
Using the procedures described in TS 22.011, the network knows the location area where the UE is positioned. If the UE is not already in two way radio communication with the network, the network pages the MS. Upon receiving its page message, the UE establishes communication with the selected cell. The network then allocates a channel which is used for signalling and sends call set-up information to the UE.
A traffic channel may be allocated at any instant until just after the call is answered by the UE.
The network indicates to the UE that it wishes to offer the UE a call. This notification includes the proposed bearer capability information, where available (see clause D.2.5).
If the calling party specifies the required bearer capability this shall be used for the call set-up attempt. If the calling party does not specify the required bearer capability (e.g. because the call originated in the PSTN), the network shall attempt to determine the bearer capability to be used as described below.
The network may use a multi-numbering scheme to define the bearer capability by the MSISDN. In a multi-numbering scheme several MSISDNs are associated with one IMSI. Each MSISDN is used for a different bearer capability. If the network uses a multi-numbering scheme and the calling party has not specified the required bearer capability then the network shall use the bearer capability associated with the called party MSISDN.
The network may use a single-numbering scheme, in which one MSISDN is associated with each IMSI. If the network uses a single-numbering scheme and the calling party has not specified the required service then the network shall omit the bearer capability information.
On receipt of the call set-up request from the network, the UE shall check that it is able to support the type of call requested and that it is not User Determined User Busy (see Annex C). The UE then alerts the user.
If the UE is unable to support the type of call requested, or the information is incomplete, the UE shall, if possible and not restricted by requirements in other ETSs, reply to the network proposing an alternative set of parameters, indicating those that are different from those proposed by the network. The network then either accepts this new proposal or terminates the call attempt.
Call re-establishment allows the user equipment to attempt to reconnect a call following the loss of radio coverage between the UE and the network while a call is in progress. Call re-establishment may be initiated by the UE when it detects this situation, if supported in the network.
Call re-establishment is mandatory in the ME and optional in the network.
Call set up attempts referred to in this Annex are assumed to be initiated from peripheral equipment or automatically from the MT itself.
A repeat call attempt may be made when a call attempt is unsuccessful for the reasons listed below (as defined in TS 24.008).
These reasons are classified in three major categories:
"Busy destination":
cause number
17 User busy.
"Unobtainable destination - temporary":
cause number
18 No user responding;
19 User alerting, no answer;
27 Destination out of order;
34 No circuit/channel available;
41 Temporary failure;
42 Switching Equipment congestion;
44 Requested circuit/channel not available;
47 Resources unavailable, unspecified.
"Unobtainable destination - permanent/long term":
cause number
1 Unassigned (unallocated) number;
3 No route to destination;
22 Number changed;
28 Invalid number format (uncompleted number);
38 Network out of order.
The Table below describes a repeat call restriction pattern to any B number. This pattern defines a maximum number (n) of call repeat attempts; when this number n is reached, the associated B number shall be blacklisted by the MT until a manual re-set at the MT is performed in respect of that B number. When a repeat attempt to anyone B number fails, or is blacklisted, this does not prevent calls being made to other B numbers.
For the categories 1 and 2 above, n shall be 10; for category 3, n shall be 1.
call attempts
Minimum duration between Call attempt
Initial call attempt
1st repeat attempt
5 sec
2nd repeat attempt
1 min
3rd repeat attempt
1 min
4th repeat attempt
1 min
5th repeat attempt
3 min
nth repeat attempt
3 min
The number of B numbers that can be held in the blacklist is at the manufacturers discretion but there shall be at least 8. However, when the blacklist is full the MT shall prohibit further automatic call attempts to any one number until the blacklist is manually cleared at the MT in respect of one or more B numbers.
When automatic calling apparatus is connected to an MT1 or MT2, or where an MTO is capable of auto-calling, then the MT shall process the call requests in accordance with the sequence of repeat attempts defined above, i.e. requests for repeat attempts with less than the minimum allowed duration between them shall be rejected by the MT.
A successful call attempt to a number which has been subject to the call restrictions shown above (i.e. an unsuccessful call set up attempt has previously occurred) shall reset the "counter" for that number.
The "counter" for an unsuccessfully attempted B number shall be maintained in 24 hours or until the MT is switched off.
The automatic calling repeat call attempt restrictions apply to speech and data services.
Indications of call progress, such as ringing, engaged, unobtainable, and no radio channel, may in principle be verbal message, tones, displayed text or graphical symbols. Which combination of these applies may depend on the message, the UE and selection by the user or PLMN operator. However, verbal announcements will generally be reserved for situations which are peculiar to a mobile network, where users may be unfamiliar with any tone chosen to indicate conditions such as "call diversion" or "subscriber not available".
It may also be desirable to add comfort indications (e.g. tones, noise, music, clicks) while a call is being connected, since silence may cause an unfamiliar user to believe that nothing is happening.
Generally, on data calls, and on the data part of alternate speech/data or speech-followed-by-data calls, PLMN generated network tones and announcements should be muted.
Supervisory Tones, indicating primarily ringing, engaged and unobtainable numbers, may be generated by both the PLMN and PSTN.
Except for ring tone, all tones indicating call progress to a user shall be generated in the UE, on the basis of signals from the network where available, and are according to the standard defined in the present document.
Tones sent to a caller to a UE will be generated in the network, generally local to the caller, and will be to the standard of his local exchange, except for mobile to mobile calls, where the tones will be generated in the calling UE. For mobile terminated calls, the ring tone will be generated in the called MSC (except OACSU).
In the interests of early release of the traffic channel on failure to succeed in setting up a (mobile originated) call, where possible supervisory tones should be indicated over signalling channels. The UE will then generate the required tones. However, if the network generates an in-band announcement this will be indicated to the UE. In this case the UE shall connect the user to the announcement until instructed to release the call, either by the user or by the network. An alternate procedure may apply for UE able to generate appropriate announcements internally.
The ring tone will be sent over the traffic channel, since this channel must be available for traffic immediately it is answered (exception: Off Air Call Set Up). The Ring Tone is therefore generated by the PLMN or PSTN supporting the called phone.
On failed mobile terminated call attempts, the called MSC will either signal to the caller, if this is possible, or else will generate the required supervisory tones.
"Alert" is not a supervisory tone. The indication is signalled, and the UE may generate any form of indication to the user that the UE is being called.
UE generated tones will be generally in accordance with CEPT, ANSI T1.607, or Japan recommendations, where appropriate, and are listed in Table 1. Any network originated tones will be according to PLMN or PSTN choice.
This method will apply in all cases where signalling is capable of indicating the supervisory tone required. However, for connection to certain fixed networks where this signalling is not possible, fixed network tones will be carried over the traffic channel.
User equipment may employ any suitable technique to indicate supervisory information. However, if tones are employed, they shall be in accordance with the present document. The use of these tones in the MSC is preferred.
If desired by the PLMN operator, the network may optionally introduce "comfort tones" while the call is being connected, during what would otherwise be silence. This would be overridden by indication of a supervisory tone, an announcement or by traffic. PLMNs may offer this feature optionally to incoming or outgoing callers.
The "comfort tones" may take the form of tones, clicks, noise, music or any other suitable form, provided that they cannot be confused with other indications that might be expected.
This feature is intended to indicate to the user that his call is progressing, to prevent him terminating the call prematurely.
Radio Path
Acknowledgement (Mobile
Originated only) (optional)
425 Hz
425 Hz
400 Hz
15 Hz
20 Hz
Single tone 200ms
Single tone 200ms
Tone on 1 Sec
Silence 2 Sec
{Radio Path Not Available
{Call Dropped - Mobile originated only
425 Hz
425 Hz
15 Hz
200ms} On/off 200ms} for 3
200ms} On/off 200ms} for 3 burst
6 *
Error/Special Information}
Number Unobtainable }
Authentication Failure }
950 Hz
1400 Hz
1800 Hz
950 Hz
1400 Hz
1800 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
{Triple Tone
{Tones on 330ms
{Silence 1.0s
Triple Tone
{Tones on 330ms
{Silence 1.0s
Call Waiting Tone (CEPT)
425 Hz (tolerance 15 Hz), on for 200 ms, off for 600 ms on for 200 ms, off for 3 s, on for 200 ms, off for 600 ms on for 200 ms. This tone is superimposed on the audio traffic received by the called user. Alternate tones are acceptable but not preferred.
Call Waiting Tone (ANSI)
440 Hz, on for 300 ms, 9,7 s off followed by (440 Hz, on for 100 ms off for 100 ms, on for 100 ms, 9,7s off and repeated as necessary) This tone is superimposed on the audio traffic received by the called user.
Call Waiting Tone (Japan)
Definition of these and other tones, together with advice on announcements, may be found in CEPT T/CS 20-15 and in T/SF 23.
*: The duration of these tones is an implementation option. However, in each case, the UE should be returned immediately to the idle state, and will be able to originate/receive calls, which will override these tones.
Ringing Tone (Alternative
National options permitted)
440 Hz added to 480 Hz
15 Hz
Tone on 1 s Silence 4 s
Tone on 2 s Silence 4 s
For application of Call Control Cause Information Elements to these tones, see clause F.4.
In present networks, both fixed and cellular, the language of recorded announcements and displayed information is invariably that of the country of origin. However, this is generally undesirable in a multi-lingual environment such as is encountered on a global network with international roaming. It is therefore probably desirable to minimise the number of such announcements.
Advanced UEs may be designed which have the ability to generate announcements in the form desired by the user, e.g. in the language preferred by the user. In this case, it becomes necessary to block any verbal announcements sent from the network towards the UE, to avoid clashes with those generated by the UE. The UE may be allowed to block in-band announcements in case appropriate announcements according to the Cause Information Elements (F.3) can be generated. The default setting of the UE shall be "non blocking", which could be set by MMI command to "blocking".
Announcements generated by the PLMN and sent to callers to that PLMN will generally be in the language of the PLMN. However, on some fixed networks it will be possible for the message to be signalled back to the caller's local exchange, which will then generate the announcement in its local language.
The Cause Information Elements are listed and defined in TS 24.008. This Annex lists these elements and indicates which supervisory tone should be generated in response. It should be noted that some conditions (e.g. radio path not available, dropped call) may be deduced by the UE, rather than signalled explicitly over the air interface. All causes not listed below should result in the generation of tone 6. In case of multiple calls a tone should only be generated if it does not disturb an ongoing active call. "-" indicates no tone required.