Users want to store their daily messages (either sent or received), but there is limited storage in their mobile phone. The network helps to store the users' messages. The network duplicates the users' certain messages to message depository, and the users can manage the messages stored via WWW/WAP portal and so on.
Both Joe and Sally are SMS users.
Joe is an SMS subscriber.
Joe subscribed to the SM Network Storage Service on his home network.
Joe sets Sally's phone number for storing messages from or to her.
Joe's messages sent to or received from Sally's phone will be stored in the network depository, and Joe can manage these messages.
It shall be supported that user can pre-set certain conditions for storage. The storage condition includes all sent messages, all received messages, messages sent to or received from one or more special phone numbers and so on.
It should be possible for the operator to prevent storage of configuration SM, notifications (e.g. voice mail, SM delivery notifications).
It shall be supported that users can transfer the messages stored in the message depository to any other mobile phone.
It shall be supported that users can inquire the messages stored in the message depository according to certain query conditions (e.g., short message receiver, short message sender, key words etc.).
It shall be supported that users can manage the stored messages via a website, and it shall be possible for the user to set access right for other users ( e.g. read only , read and download etc), in this way, other users are able to inquire his stored messages through a link to the website after valid authentication.
In case of multiple delivery attempts SM will be copied only once regardless of the number of delivery attempts.