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RFC 4229

HTTP Header Field Registrations

Pages: 53

Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 1
Network Working Group                                      M. Nottingham
Request for Comments: 4229                                      J. Mogul
Category: Informational                                          HP Labs
                                                           December 2005

                    HTTP Header Field Registrations

Status of This Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


This document defines the initial contents of a permanent IANA registry for HTTP header fields and a provisional repository for HTTP header fields, per RFC 3864.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ....................................................4 2. Registration Templates ..........................................4 2.1. Permanent HTTP Header Field Registrations ..................5 2.1.1. Header field: A-IM ....................................7 2.1.2. Header field: Accept ..................................8 2.1.3. Header field: Accept-Additions ........................8 2.1.4. Header field: Accept-Charset ..........................8 2.1.5. Header field: Accept-Encoding .........................9 2.1.6. Header field: Accept-Features .........................9 2.1.7. Header field: Accept-Language .........................9 2.1.8. Header field: Accept-Ranges ..........................10 2.1.9. Header field: Age ....................................10 2.1.10. Header field: Allow .................................10 2.1.11. Header field: Alternates ............................10 2.1.12. Header field: Authentication-Info ...................11 2.1.13. Header field: Authorization .........................11 2.1.14. Header field: C-Ext .................................11 2.1.15. Header field: C-Man .................................12 2.1.16. Header field: C-Opt .................................12 2.1.17. Header field: C-PEP .................................12 2.1.18. Header field: C-PEP-Info ............................13 2.1.19. Header field: Cache-Control .........................13 2.1.20. Header field: Connection ............................13
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         2.1.21. Header field: Content-Base ..........................14
         2.1.22. Header field: Content-Disposition ...................14
         2.1.23. Header field: Content-Encoding ......................14
         2.1.24. Header field: Content-ID ............................14
         2.1.25. Header field: Content-Language ......................15
         2.1.26. Header field: Content-Length ........................15
         2.1.27. Header field: Content-Location ......................15
         2.1.28. Header field: Content-MD5 ...........................16
         2.1.29. Header field: Content-Range .........................16
         2.1.30. Header field: Content-Script-Type ...................16
         2.1.31. Header field: Content-Style-Type ....................17
         2.1.32. Header field: Content-Type ..........................17
         2.1.33. Header field: Content-Version .......................17
         2.1.34. Header field: Cookie ................................17
         2.1.35. Header field: Cookie2 ...............................18
         2.1.36. Header field: DAV ...................................18
         2.1.37. Header field: Date ..................................18
         2.1.38. Header field: Default-Style .........................19
         2.1.39. Header field: Delta-Base ............................19
         2.1.40. Header field: Depth .................................19
         2.1.41. Header field: Derived-From ..........................19
         2.1.42. Header field: Destination ...........................20
         2.1.43. Header field: Differential-ID .......................20
         2.1.44. Header field: Digest ................................20
         2.1.45. Header field: ETag ..................................21
         2.1.46. Header field: Expect ................................21
         2.1.47. Header field: Expires ...............................21
         2.1.48. Header field: Ext ...................................22
         2.1.49. Header field: From ..................................22
         2.1.50. Header field: GetProfile ............................22
         2.1.51. Header field: Host ..................................23
         2.1.52. Header field: IM ....................................23
         2.1.53. Header field: If ....................................23
         2.1.54. Header field: If-Match ..............................23
         2.1.55. Header field: If-Modified-Since .....................24
         2.1.56. Header field: If-None-Match .........................24
         2.1.57. Header field: If-Range ..............................24
         2.1.58. Header field: If-Unmodified-Since ...................25
         2.1.59. Header field: Keep-Alive ............................25
         2.1.60. Header field: Label .................................25
         2.1.61. Header field: Last-Modified .........................25
         2.1.62. Header field: Link ..................................26
         2.1.63. Header field: Location ..............................26
         2.1.64. Header field: Lock-Token ............................26
         2.1.65. Header field: MIME-Version ..........................27
         2.1.66. Header field: Man ...................................27
         2.1.67. Header field: Max-Forwards ..........................27
         2.1.68. Header field: Meter .................................27
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         2.1.69. Header field: Negotiate .............................28
         2.1.70. Header field: Opt ...................................28
         2.1.71. Header field: Ordering-Type .........................28
         2.1.72. Header field: Overwrite .............................29
         2.1.73. Header field: P3P ...................................29
         2.1.74. Header field: PEP ...................................29
         2.1.75. Header field: PICS-Label ............................30
         2.1.76. Header field: Pep-Info ..............................30
         2.1.77. Header field: Position ..............................30
         2.1.78. Header field: Pragma ................................31
         2.1.79. Header field: ProfileObject .........................31
         2.1.80. Header field: Protocol ..............................31
         2.1.81. Header field: Protocol-Info .........................32
         2.1.82. Header field: Protocol-Query ........................32
         2.1.83. Header field: Protocol-Request ......................32
         2.1.84. Header field: Proxy-Authenticate ....................32
         2.1.85. Header field: Proxy-Authentication-Info .............33
         2.1.86. Header field: Proxy-Authorization ...................33
         2.1.87. Header field: Proxy-Features ........................33
         2.1.88. Header field: Proxy-Instruction .....................34
         2.1.89. Header field: Public ................................34
         2.1.90. Header field: Range .................................34
         2.1.91. Header field: Referer ...............................34
         2.1.92. Header field: Retry-After ...........................35
         2.1.93. Header field: Safe ..................................35
         2.1.94. Header field: Security-Scheme .......................35
         2.1.95. Header field: Server ................................36
         2.1.96. Header field: Set-Cookie ............................36
         2.1.97. Header field: Set-Cookie2 ...........................36
         2.1.98. Header field: SetProfile ............................36
         2.1.99. Header field: SoapAction ............................37
         2.1.100. Header field: Status-URI ...........................37
         2.1.101. Header field: Surrogate-Capability .................38
         2.1.102. Header field: Surrogate-Control ....................38
         2.1.103. Header field: TCN ..................................38
         2.1.104. Header field: TE ...................................39
         2.1.105. Header field: Timeout ..............................39
         2.1.106. Header field: Trailer ..............................39
         2.1.107. Header field: Transfer-Encoding ....................39
         2.1.108. Header field: URI ..................................40
         2.1.109. Header field: Upgrade ..............................40
         2.1.110. Header field: User-Agent ...........................40
         2.1.111. Header field: Variant-Vary .........................41
         2.1.112. Header field: Vary .................................41
         2.1.113. Header field: Via ..................................41
         2.1.114. Header field: WWW-Authenticate .....................41
         2.1.115. Header field: Want-Digest ..........................42
         2.1.116. Header field: Warning ..............................42
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      2.2. Provisional HTTP Header Field Submissions .................43
         2.2.1. Header field: Compliance .............................43
         2.2.2. Header field: Content-Transfer-Encoding ..............43
         2.2.3. Header field: Cost ...................................44
         2.2.4. Header field: Message-ID .............................44
         2.2.5. Header field: Non-Compliance .........................44
         2.2.6. Header field: Optional ...............................44
         2.2.7. Header field: Resolution-Hint ........................45
         2.2.8. Header field: Resolver-Location ......................45
         2.2.9. Header field: SubOK ..................................46
         2.2.10. Header field: Subst .................................46
         2.2.11. Header field: Title .................................46
         2.2.12. Header field: UA-Color ..............................46
         2.2.13. Header field: UA-Media ..............................47
         2.2.14. Header field: UA-Pixels .............................47
         2.2.15. Header field: UA-Resolution .........................48
         2.2.16. Header field: UA-Windowpixels .......................48
         2.2.17. Header field: Version ...............................48
   3. IANA Considerations ............................................49
   4. Security Considerations ........................................49
   5. Acknowledgements ...............................................49
   6. Informative References .........................................49

1. Introduction

HTTP/1.0 [3] and HTTP/1.1 [11] define protocol constructs (respectively, the HTTP-header and message-header BNF rules) that are used as message headers. These specifications also define a number of HTTP headers themselves, and they provide for extension through the use of new field-names. This document defines the initial contents of an IANA registry that catalogs permanent HTTP header field-names, and of an IANA repository that catalogs provisional HTTP header field-names. Both are operated according to Registration Procedures for Message Header Fields [1]. Note that neither tracks the syntax or semantics of field-values. Also, while some HTTP headers have different semantics depending on their context (e.g., Cache-Control in requests and responses), both registries consider the HTTP header field-name name space singular. Also, some contact details listed may no longer be correct.

2. Registration Templates

Header field entries are summarized in tabular form for convenience of reference and presented in full in the following sections.
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2.1. Permanent HTTP Header Field Registrations

Header name Protocol ----------- -------- A-IM http Accept http Accept-Additions http Accept-Charset http Accept-Encoding http Accept-Features http Accept-Language http Accept-Ranges http Age http Allow http Alternates http Authentication-Info http Authorization http C-Ext http C-Man http C-Opt http C-PEP http C-PEP-Info http Cache-Control http Connection http Content-Base http Content-Disposition http Content-Encoding http Content-ID http Content-Language http Content-Length http Content-Location http Content-MD5 http Content-Range http Content-Script-Type http Content-Style-Type http Content-Type http Content-Version http Cookie http Cookie2 http DAV http Date http Default-Style http Delta-Base http Depth http Derived-From http Destination http Differential-ID http Digest http
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   ETag                      http
   Expect                    http
   Expires                   http
   Ext                       http
   From                      http
   GetProfile                http
   Host                      http
   IM                        http
   If                        http
   If-Match                  http
   If-Modified-Since         http
   If-None-Match             http
   If-Range                  http
   If-Unmodified-Since       http
   Keep-Alive                http
   Label                     http
   Last-Modified             http
   Link                      http
   Location                  http
   Lock-Token                http
   MIME-Version              http
   Man                       http
   Max-Forwards              http
   Meter                     http
   Negotiate                 http
   Opt                       http
   Ordering-Type             http
   Overwrite                 http
   P3P                       http
   PEP                       http
   PICS-Label                http
   Pep-Info                  http
   Position                  http
   Pragma                    http
   ProfileObject             http
   Protocol                  http
   Protocol-Info             http
   Protocol-Query            http
   Protocol-Request          http
   Proxy-Authenticate        http
   Proxy-Authentication-Info http
   Proxy-Authorization       http
   Proxy-Features            http
   Proxy-Instruction         http
   Public                    http
   Range                     http
   Referer                   http
   Retry-After               http
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   Safe                      http
   Security-Scheme           http
   Server                    http
   Set-Cookie                http
   Set-Cookie2               http
   SetProfile                http
   SoapAction                http
   Status-URI                http
   Surrogate-Capability      http
   Surrogate-Control         http
   TCN                       http
   TE                        http
   Timeout                   http
   Trailer                   http
   Transfer-Encoding         http
   URI                       http
   Upgrade                   http
   User-Agent                http
   Variant-Vary              http
   Vary                      http
   Via                       http
   WWW-Authenticate          http
   Want-Digest               http
   Warning                   http

2.1.1. Header field: A-IM

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC3229 [16]
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2.1.2. Header field: Accept

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.3. Header field: Accept-Additions

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2324 [9] Related information: spoof

2.1.4. Header field: Accept-Charset

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]
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2.1.5. Header field: Accept-Encoding

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.6. Header field: Accept-Features

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Andrew H. Mutz ( Koen Holtman ( Specification document(s): RFC2295 [7]

2.1.7. Header field: Accept-Language

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]
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2.1.8. Header field: Accept-Ranges

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.9. Header field: Age

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.10. Header field: Allow

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.11. Header field: Alternates

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 11
   Author/change controller:
      Andrew H. Mutz  (
      Koen Holtman  (

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2295 [7]

2.1.12. Header field: Authentication-Info

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2617 [12]

2.1.13. Header field: Authorization

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.14. Header field: C-Ext

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( Paul J. Leach ( Scott Lawrence ( Specification document(s): RFC2774 [14]
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2.1.15. Header field: C-Man

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( Paul J. Leach ( Scott Lawrence ( Specification document(s): RFC2774 [14]

2.1.16. Header field: C-Opt

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( Paul J. Leach ( Scott Lawrence ( Specification document(s): RFC2774 [14]

2.1.17. Header field: C-PEP

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: deprecated Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Dan Connolly ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Rohit Khare ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Eric Prud'hommeaux ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Specification document(s): PEP [29]
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2.1.18. Header field: C-PEP-Info

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: deprecated Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Dan Connolly ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Rohit Khare ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Eric Prud'hommeaux ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Specification document(s): PEP [29]

2.1.19. Header field: Cache-Control

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.20. Header field: Connection

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]
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2.1.21. Header field: Content-Base

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2068 [4]

2.1.22. Header field: Content-Disposition

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.23. Header field: Content-Encoding

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.24. Header field: Content-ID

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 15
   Author/change controller:
      Arthur van Hoff  (
      Marimba Inc.
      John Giannandrea  (
      Netscape Inc.
      Mark Hapner  (
      Sun Microsystems Inc.
      Steve Carter  (
      Novell Inc.
      Milo Medin  (
      At Home Corp

   Specification document(s):
      DRP [20]

2.1.25. Header field: Content-Language

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.26. Header field: Content-Length

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.27. Header field: Content-Location

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 16
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2616 [11]

2.1.28. Header field: Content-MD5

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.29. Header field: Content-Range

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.30. Header field: Content-Script-Type

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium Specification document(s): HTML 4 [21]
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2.1.31. Header field: Content-Style-Type

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium Specification document(s): HTML 4 [21]

2.1.32. Header field: Content-Type

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.33. Header field: Content-Version

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2068 [4]

2.1.34. Header field: Cookie

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 18
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2965 [15]

2.1.35. Header field: Cookie2

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2965 [15]

2.1.36. Header field: DAV

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2518 [10]

2.1.37. Header field: Date

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]
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2.1.38. Header field: Default-Style

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium Specification document(s): HTML 4 [21]

2.1.39. Header field: Delta-Base

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC3229 [16]

2.1.40. Header field: Depth

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2518 [10]

2.1.41. Header field: Derived-From

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 20
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2068 [4]

2.1.42. Header field: Destination

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2518 [10]

2.1.43. Header field: Differential-ID

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational Author/change controller: Arthur van Hoff ( Marimba Inc. John Giannandrea ( Netscape Inc. Mark Hapner ( Sun Microsystems Inc. Steve Carter ( Novell Inc. Milo Medin ( At Home Corp Specification document(s): DRP [20]

2.1.44. Header field: Digest

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 21
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC3230 [17]

2.1.45. Header field: ETag

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.46. Header field: Expect

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.47. Header field: Expires

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]
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2.1.48. Header field: Ext

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( Paul J. Leach ( Scott Lawrence ( Specification document(s): RFC2774 [14]

2.1.49. Header field: From

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.50. Header field: GetProfile

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational Author/change controller: Pat Hensley ( FireFly Network, Inc. Max Metral ( FireFly Network, Inc. Upendra Shardanand ( FireFly Network, Inc. Donna Converse ( Netscape Communications Mike Myers ( Verisign, Inc. Specification document(s): OPS over HTTP [22]
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2.1.51. Header field: Host

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.52. Header field: IM

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC3229 [16]

2.1.53. Header field: If

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2518 [10]

2.1.54. Header field: If-Match

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 24
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2616 [11]

2.1.55. Header field: If-Modified-Since

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.56. Header field: If-None-Match

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.57. Header field: If-Range

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]
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2.1.58. Header field: If-Unmodified-Since

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.59. Header field: Keep-Alive

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2068 [4]

2.1.60. Header field: Label

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC3253 [18]

2.1.61. Header field: Last-Modified

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
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   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2616 [11]

2.1.62. Header field: Link

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2068 [4]

2.1.63. Header field: Location

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.64. Header field: Lock-Token

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2518 [10]
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2.1.65. Header field: MIME-Version

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.66. Header field: Man

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( Paul J. Leach ( Scott Lawrence ( Specification document(s): RFC2774 [14]

2.1.67. Header field: Max-Forwards

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.68. Header field: Meter

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
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   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2227 [6]

2.1.69. Header field: Negotiate

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Andrew H. Mutz ( Koen Holtman ( Specification document(s): RFC2295 [7]

2.1.70. Header field: Opt

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( Paul J. Leach ( Scott Lawrence ( Specification document(s): RFC2774 [14]

2.1.71. Header field: Ordering-Type

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC3648 [19]
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2.1.72. Header field: Overwrite

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2518 [10]

2.1.73. Header field: P3P

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium Specification document(s): P3P [23]

2.1.74. Header field: PEP

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: deprecated Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Dan Connolly ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Rohit Khare ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Eric Prud'hommeaux ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Specification document(s): PEP [29]
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2.1.75. Header field: PICS-Label

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium Specification document(s): PICSLabels [24]

2.1.76. Header field: Pep-Info

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: deprecated Author/change controller: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Dan Connolly ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Rohit Khare ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Eric Prud'hommeaux ( World Wide Web Consortium, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Specification document(s): PEP [29]

2.1.77. Header field: Position

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC3648 [19]
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2.1.78. Header field: Pragma

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.79. Header field: ProfileObject

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational Author/change controller: Pat Hensley ( FireFly Network, Inc. Max Metral ( FireFly Network, Inc. Upendra Shardanand ( FireFly Network, Inc. Donna Converse ( Netscape Communications Mike Myers ( Verisign, Inc. Specification document(s): OPS over HTTP [22]

2.1.80. Header field: Protocol

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium Specification document(s): PICSLabels [24]
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2.1.81. Header field: Protocol-Info

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: deprecated Author/change controller: Don Eastlake ( Rohit Khare ( Jim Miller ( Specification document(s): Selecting Payment Mechanisms [26]

2.1.82. Header field: Protocol-Query

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: deprecated Author/change controller: Don Eastlake ( Rohit Khare ( Jim Miller ( Specification document(s): Selecting Payment Mechanisms [26]

2.1.83. Header field: Protocol-Request

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium Specification document(s): PICSLabels [24]

2.1.84. Header field: Proxy-Authenticate

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 33
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2616 [11]

2.1.85. Header field: Proxy-Authentication-Info

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2617 [12]

2.1.86. Header field: Proxy-Authorization

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.87. Header field: Proxy-Features

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational Author/change controller: Phillip M. Hallam-Baker ( W3C Specification document(s): Proxy Notification [27]
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2.1.88. Header field: Proxy-Instruction

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational Author/change controller: Phillip M. Hallam-Baker ( W3C Specification document(s): Proxy Notification [27]

2.1.89. Header field: Public

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2068 [4]

2.1.90. Header field: Range

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.91. Header field: Referer

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 35
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2616 [11]

2.1.92. Header field: Retry-After

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.93. Header field: Safe

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Koen Holtman ( Specification document(s): RFC2310 [8]

2.1.94. Header field: Security-Scheme

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Eric Rescorla ( A. Schiffman ( Specification document(s): RFC2660 [13]
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2.1.95. Header field: Server

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.96. Header field: Set-Cookie

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2109 [5]

2.1.97. Header field: Set-Cookie2

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2965 [15]

2.1.98. Header field: SetProfile

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 37
   Author/change controller:
      Pat Hensley  (
      FireFly Network, Inc.
      Max Metral  (
      FireFly Network, Inc.
      Upendra Shardanand  (
      FireFly Network, Inc.
      Donna Converse  (
      Netscape Communications
      Mike Myers  (
      Verisign, Inc.

   Specification document(s):
      OPS over HTTP [22]

2.1.99. Header field: SoapAction

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational Author/change controller: Don Box ( DevelopMentor David Ehnebuske ( IBM Gopal Kakivaya ( Microsoft Andrew Layman ( Microsoft Noah Mendelsohn ( Lotus Development Corp. Hernik Frystyk Nielsen ( Microsoft Satish Thatte ( Microsoft Dave Winer ( UserLand Software, Inc. Specification document(s): SOAP [28]

2.1.100. Header field: Status-URI

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 38
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2518 [10]

2.1.101. Header field: Surrogate-Capability

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational Author/change controller: Mark Nottingham ( Akamai Xiang Liu ( Oracle Specification document(s): edge-arch [25]

2.1.102. Header field: Surrogate-Control

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: informational Author/change controller: Mark Nottingham ( Akamai Xiang Liu ( Oracle Specification document(s): edge-arch [25]

2.1.103. Header field: TCN

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Andrew H. Mutz ( Koen Holtman (
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   Specification document(s):
      RFC2295 [7]

2.1.104. Header field: TE

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.105. Header field: Timeout

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2518 [10]

2.1.106. Header field: Trailer

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.107. Header field: Transfer-Encoding

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 40
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2616 [11]

2.1.108. Header field: URI

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2068 [4]

2.1.109. Header field: Upgrade

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.110. Header field: User-Agent

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]
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2.1.111. Header field: Variant-Vary

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: experimental Author/change controller: Andrew H. Mutz ( Koen Holtman ( Specification document(s): RFC2295 [7]

2.1.112. Header field: Vary

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.113. Header field: Via

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]

2.1.114. Header field: WWW-Authenticate

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 42
   Author/change controller:
      IETF  (
      Internet Engineering Task Force

   Specification document(s):
      RFC2616 [11]

2.1.115. Header field: Want-Digest

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC3230 [17]

2.1.116. Header field: Warning

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: standard Author/change controller: IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force Specification document(s): RFC2616 [11]
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2.2. Provisional HTTP Header Field Submissions

Header name Protocol ----------- -------- Compliance http Content-Transfer-Encoding http Cost http Message-ID http Non-Compliance http Optional http Resolution-Hint http Resolver-Location http SubOK http Subst http Title http UA-Color http UA-Media http UA-Pixels http UA-Resolution http UA-Windowpixels http Version http

2.2.1. Header field: Compliance

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Jeffrey C. Mogul ( Western Research Laboratory, Digital Equipment Corporation Josh Cohen ( Netscape Communications Corporation Scott Lawrence ( Agranat Systems, Inc. Specification document(s): OPTIONS messages [31]

2.2.2. Header field: Content-Transfer-Encoding

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Tim Berners-Lee ( MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
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   Specification document(s):
      Object Headers [2]

2.2.3. Header field: Cost

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Tim Berners-Lee ( MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Specification document(s): Object Headers [2]

2.2.4. Header field: Message-ID

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Tim Berners-Lee ( MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Specification document(s): Object Headers [2]

2.2.5. Header field: Non-Compliance

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Jeffrey C. Mogul ( Western Research Laboratory, Digital Equipment Corporation Josh Cohen ( Netscape Communications Corporation Scott Lawrence ( Agranat Systems, Inc. Specification document(s): OPTIONS messages [31]

2.2.6. Header field: Optional

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 45
   Author/change controller:
      John Mallery  (
      MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
      Lewis Girod  (
      MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
      Benjie Chen  (
      MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
      Henrik Frystyk Nielsen  (
      World Wide Web Consortium

   Specification document(s):
      WIRE [32]

2.2.7. Header field: Resolution-Hint

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: John Mallery ( MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Lewis Girod ( MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Benjie Chen ( MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( World Wide Web Consortium Specification document(s): WIRE [32]

2.2.8. Header field: Resolver-Location

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: John Mallery ( MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Lewis Girod ( MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Benjie Chen ( MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ( World Wide Web Consortium
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   Specification document(s):
      WIRE [32]

2.2.9. Header field: SubOK

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Jeffrey C. Mogul ( Western Research Laboratory, Digital Equipment Corporation Arthur van Hoff ( Marimba, Inc. Specification document(s): Duplicate Suppression [33]

2.2.10. Header field: Subst

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Jeffrey C. Mogul ( Western Research Laboratory, Digital Equipment Corporation Arthur van Hoff ( Marimba, Inc. Specification document(s): Duplicate Suppression [33]

2.2.11. Header field: Title

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Tim Berners-Lee ( MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Specification document(s): Object Headers [2]

2.2.12. Header field: UA-Color

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional
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   Author/change controller:
      Larry Masinter  (
      Adobe Systems
      Lou Montulli  (
      Netscape Communications Corp.
      Andrew H. Mutz  (
      Hewlett-Packard Company

   Specification document(s):
      UA Attributes [30]

2.2.13. Header field: UA-Media

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Larry Masinter ( Adobe Systems Lou Montulli ( Netscape Communications Corp. Andrew H. Mutz ( Hewlett-Packard Company Specification document(s): UA Attributes [30]

2.2.14. Header field: UA-Pixels

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Larry Masinter ( Adobe Systems Lou Montulli ( Netscape Communications Corp. Andrew H. Mutz ( Hewlett-Packard Company Specification document(s): UA Attributes [31]
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2.2.15. Header field: UA-Resolution

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Larry Masinter ( Adobe Systems Lou Montulli ( Netscape Communications Corp. Andrew H. Mutz ( Hewlett-Packard Company Specification document(s): UA Attributes [30]

2.2.16. Header field: UA-Windowpixels

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Larry Masinter ( Adobe Systems Lou Montulli ( Netscape Communications Corp. Andrew H. Mutz ( Hewlett-Packard Company Specification document(s): UA Attributes [30]

2.2.17. Header field: Version

Applicable protocol: http [11] Status: provisional Author/change controller: Tim Berners-Lee ( MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Specification document(s): Object Headers [2]
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3. IANA Considerations

This specification provides initial registrations of HTTP header fields in the "Permanent Message Header Field Registry", defined by Registration Procedures for Message Header Fields [1]. It also provides initial submissions of HTTP header fields in the "Provisional Message Header Field Repository", defined by the same document.

4. Security Considerations

No security considerations are introduced by this document beyond those already inherent in use of the HTTP header fields referenced.

5. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Graham Klyne for his work in defining the message header registries, his input and help in preparing this document, and the registry generation software.

6. Informative References

[1] Klyne, G., Nottingham, M., and J. Mogul, "Registration Procedures for Message Header Fields", BCP 90, RFC 3864, September 2004. [2] Berners-Lee, T., "Object Header lines in HTTP", May 1994, <>. [3] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and H. Nielsen, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0", RFC 1945, May 1996. [4] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Nielsen, H., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2068, January 1997. [5] Kristol, D. and L. Montulli, "HTTP State Management Mechanism", RFC 2109, February 1997. [6] Mogul, J. and P. Leach, "Simple Hit-Metering and Usage-Limiting for HTTP", RFC 2227, October 1997. [7] Holtman, K. and A. Mutz, "Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP", RFC 2295, March 1998. [8] Holtman, K., "The Safe Response Header Field", RFC 2310, April 1998.
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   [9]   Masinter, L., "Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol
         (HTCPCP/1.0)", RFC 2324, April 1998.

   [10]  Goland, Y., Whitehead, E., Faizi, A., Carter, S., and D.
         Jensen, "HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV",
         RFC 2518, February 1999.

   [11]  Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L.,
         Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol --
         HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

   [12]  Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S.,
         Leach, P., Luotonen, A., and L. Stewart, "HTTP Authentication:
         Basic and Digest Access Authentication", RFC 2617, June 1999.

   [13]  Rescorla, E. and A. Schiffman, "The Secure HyperText Transfer
         Protocol", RFC 2660, August 1999.

   [14]  Nielsen, H., Leach, P., and S. Lawrence, "An HTTP Extension
         Framework", RFC 2774, February 2000.

   [15]  Kristol, D. and L. Montulli, "HTTP State Management Mechanism",
         RFC 2965, October 2000.

   [16]  Mogul, J., Krishnamurthy, B., Douglis, F., Feldmann, A.,
         Goland, Y., van Hoff, A., and D. Hellerstein, "Delta encoding
         in HTTP", RFC 3229, January 2002.

   [17]  Mogul, J. and A. Van Hoff, "Instance Digests in HTTP", RFC
         3230, January 2002.

   [18]  Clemm, G., Amsden, J., Ellison, T., Kaler, C., and J.
         Whitehead, "Versioning Extensions to WebDAV (Web Distributed
         Authoring and Versioning)", RFC 3253, March 2002.

   [19]  Whitehead, J. and J. Reschke, Ed., "Web Distributed Authoring
         and Versioning (WebDAV) Ordered Collections Protocol", RFC
         3648, December 2003.

   [20]  Hoff, A., Payne, J., Hapner, M., Carter, S., and M. Medin, "The
         HTTP Distribution and Replication Protocol", W3C NOTE NOTE-
         drp-19970825, August 1997.

   [21]  Raggett, D., Hors, A., and I. Jacobs, "HTML 4.01
         Specification", W3C REC REC-html401-19991224, December 1999.
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   [22]  Hensley, P., Metral, M., Shardanand, U., Converse, D., and M.
         Myers, "Implementation of OPS Over HTTP", W3C NOTE NOTE-OPS-
         OverHTTP, June 1997.

   [23]  Marchiori, M., "The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0
         (P3P1.0) Specification", W3C REC REC-P3P-20020416, April 2002.

   [24]  Krauskopf, T., Miller, J., Resnick, P., and W. Treese, "PICS
         1.1 Label Distribution -- Label Syntax and Communication
         Protocols", W3C REC REC-PICS-labels-961031, October 1996.

   [25]  Nottingham, M. and X. Liu, "Edge Architecture Specification",
         W3C NOTE NOTE-edge-arch-20010804, August 2001.

   [26]  Chung, E. and D. Dardailler, "White Paper: Joint Electronic
         Payment Initiative", W3C NOTE NOTE-jepi-970519, May 1997.

   [27]  Hallam-Baker, P., "Notification for Proxy Caches", W3C NOTE WD-
         proxy-960221, February 1996.

   [28]  Box, D., Ehnebuske, D., Kakivaya, G., Layman, A., Mendelsohn,
         N., Nielsen, H., Thatte, S., and D. Winer, "Simple Object
         Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1", W3C NOTE NOTE-SOAP-20000508, May

   [29]  Connolly, D., Prod'hommeaux, E., Nielsen, H., and R. Khare,
         "PEP Specification: an Extension Mechanism for HTTP", Nov 1998,

   [30]  Masinter, L., Montulli, L., and A. Mutz, "User-Agent Display
         Attributes Headers", Work in Progress, November 1996.

   [31]  Mogul, J., Cohen, J., and S. Lawrence, "Specification of
         HTTP/1.1 OPTIONS messages", Work in Progress, August 1997.

   [32]  Girod, L., Chen, B., Henrik, H., and J. Mallery, "WIRE - W3
         Identifier Resolution Extensions", Work in Progress, March

   [33]  Mogul, J. and A. van Hoff, "Duplicate Suppression in HTTP",
         Work in Progress, April 1998.
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Authors' Addresses

Mark Nottingham EMail: URI: Jeffrey C. Mogul HP Labs 1501 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 US EMail:
Top   ToC   RFC4229 - Page 53
Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
   retain all their rights.

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Intellectual Property

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.